Job searching can become challenging, especially when you encounter several job listings on the internet. Online job boards have multiple functions than just listing jobs.
These websites work as forums, networking groups, company reviewing sites and more.
Using online sources is one of the most common ways to discover employment opportunities. For this reason, it is important to know which job listing websites can help you find the right job for you.
Continue reading the sections below to learn more about the websites that will simplify your job hunt.
GlassDoor Jobs
This job site is typically known for its company reviews, however, they do have job listings. Employees will provide anonymous company reviews as well as salary information and interview questions.
This is a great site for researching a specific company and discovering any open position available in the company. You can filter your results by location, career field and/or keywords.
GlassDoor also allows you to track your favorite companies and set up alerts so you can keep track of desirable positions.
If you are interested in looking for a comparison, the GlassDoor website has this comparison feature. The website also has a market value calculator.
This calculator allows you to make these measurements based on specific information such as location, company and title.
Aside from the market value calculator, they also have articles that provide job advice to help you while you continue your search.
Monster Jobs
This website has job listings with global reach and provides tools to better prepare their clients for that job interview.
Monster provides free resume assessments when you subscribe to their mailing list. Within two days, they send back an email with feedback.
If you create an account with Monster, the Job Fit feature will recommend jobs that fit your skills and interests. When browsing their listings, Monster allows you to customize your job search.
You can browse jobs generally and filter as your go. The advanced search allows you to add filters before clicking search.
Monster also has a most popular job feature, which allows users to see the top six jobs trending. Similar to Glassdoor, you may compare salaries between companies, browse company profiles and read career resources.
Simply Hired
This job listing website takes a minimal approach to job searching and its web design. Simply Hired prides itself in providing local jobs to its users.
You can search for your desired title by keywords. Once the list populates, you will be able to see a preview of the job title—such as licensed practical nurse—, salary and brief description. You will see a biography of the company, type of job and job responsibilities.
An orange button prompting you to “Simply Apply” will be below, and you will be asked to provide your information.
Next, you fill out the boxes with your personal information and upload the necessary documents. Once you are finished, you will confirm everything on the following page.
If you want a straightforward website that will show you jobs in your area, this career website is for you.
This is another minimalist job listing website with a mobile feature. The website is simple since you search with keywords and location.
When you create a profile with ZipRecruiter, you will be notified via email and by text message of job opportunities. These job opportunities reflect the information you submit within your ZipRecruiter profile.
ZipRecruiter also has a feature where you can rate the job opportunities that populate. This feature allows the website to customize the job recommendations for you.
Furthermore, the website will instantly notify you the moment an employer is interested. ZipRecruiter will typically notify you by text message.
This job search website is good for individuals who need to be instantly notified of a job opportunity.